More than 80% of people would FEEL better, if they did these 5 THINGS!

1. Eat mostly REAL nutrient RICH food everyday. Do not eat processed crap that comes from a box or fast food chain. Eat whole, organic if possible, food. This means that most of the diet would consist of fresh fruits, juices, diary, fish, liver, eggs, roots, squashes, shellfish, coconut oil, salt and honey.
2. Switch your polyunsaturated fats (PUFAS) for saturated fats. PUFAS are found in all your vegetable, nut, and seed oils. These fats are more unstable and more susceptible to oxidation over your fully saturated fats. Best saturated fats are coconut oil, butter, ghee, and tallow.
3. Eat more HEALTHY sugars/carbs. Carbs are you BEST source of energy. AND since every system in your body REQUIRES energy--you need plenty of carbs/sugars. Best sources are fruits, roots, honey, dairy, and cooked vegetables.
4. Consume enough protein. Protein is the ONLY macronutrient that is absolutely essential for life. I suggest a minimum of 80-100g for women, 25-50% more for men. Best sources are animal sources like dairy, organs, shellfish, grass fed meats, eggs and broth and gelatin.
5. Balance your meals. A good place to start for MOST people is 2:1 ratio carb to protein grams. And 2:1 ratio protein to fat grams. Which would look something like this 200:C 100:P 50:F.
Exceptions to this are people coming off a low carb/keto type diet. These people need to add carbs/sugar much slower, all the while lowering their fat intake. A general suggestion would be to add about 10-20g of carbs/sugars each week, while lowering fat by 5-10g. each week. Taking temp and pulse and logging how you feel, sleep, poop, etc. will be a good indicator if things are moving in the right direction.
Please remember, this post is about feeling better, NOT losing weight. Although losing weight will use the same foundational principles, weight loss takes more time, more tweaking, adding muscle, and a strong foundation of good health. If you want to truly HEAL, health has to come first. Once you are healthy, you can start working on healthy weight loss.--see previous 4 part series.


Did You Know Potatoes are a Good Source of Quality Protein?!


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