Did You Know Potatoes are a Good Source of Quality Protein?!

Most people do not realize that potatoes are a good source of quality protein. The very high value of "potato protein" is better than the egg yolk, because there is material besides the actual protein that functions as protein--keto acids. Potato’s keto acids are the equivalent of the essential amino acids. In the body, ammonia is added to keto acids, turning them into amino acids.
According to Ray Peat, PhD., “Two pounds of well-cooked mashed potato has the protein value similar to a liter of milk, about 33 grams of protein. A person would be able to live for a long time on two or three liters of either milk or 4-6 pounds of potatoes per day. The milk drinker would eventually need to supplement iron, the potato eaters would need to supplement vitamin A, possibly B12, but both of them are nearly perfect foods.”
The well cooked white potato also contains numerous vitamins and minerals including: vitamins C, D, K, folate, niacin, pantothenic acid, B6, choline, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, iron and zinc. The potato lacks adequate Vitamin A and B12.
Now, I would never recommend consuming 4-6 pounds of potatoes a day for its protein—and nothing else. Especially when other foods like milk, eggs, liver and gelatin are available. However, for a person who is in a very compromised metabolic state (diabetic, cancer, HIV, Celiac, Colitis) or is a vegan, a concentrated potato juice would be a beneficial food.
A 2008 study in Food Chemistry Journal reported potato protein to a have antioxidant and blood pressure lowering effects. Juicing the potato removes all the starch, leaving primarily protein. Potato protein is easy to digest and absorb. Vegetarians, vegans and any one with a compromised metabolism would benefit from using potato protein."
From "HTHYM".
Bottom line: Potatoes are an AMAZING foods. Yet, for some people potatoes can be tough on the digestive system. If this is you-- try eating BOILED or MASHED potatoes over baked or air fried. SOAKING the potatoes, for a few hours, before boiling will help reduce the starch, making them easier to digest.
What is your favorite way to eat potatoes?


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